The Boy and the Dragon

The Boy and the Dragon

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Description of the tale The Boy and the Dragon

A boy who loves to explore the world meets a dragon who has lost its mate and lives in isolation. They overcome their fear and hatred and become friends. They also help to bring peace between dragons and humans.

Moral tales The Boy and the Dragon

Don’t judge someone by their appearance or their past. Everyone has a story, and everyone deserves a chance. Friendship can heal the deepest wounds, and make the world a better place.

Let’s read a fairy tale The Boy and the Dragon!

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Leo who lived in a small village near the mountains. He loved to explore the woods and the hills, and he dreamed of seeing a dragon someday. He had heard many stories about the dragons that lived in the caves of the mountains, but he had never seen one with his own eyes.

One day, he decided to go on an adventure and climb the highest peak of the mountain range. He packed some food and water and set off early in the morning. He walked for hours, enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful scenery. He saw many animals and birds along the way, but no sign of any dragons.

He reached the top of the mountain just before sunset, and he was amazed by the view. He could see his village far below, and the whole valley spread out before him. He felt a sense of wonder and joy, and he decided to stay there for a while to watch the stars come out.

He found a flat spot to sit down and eat his dinner. He was about to take a bite of his bread when he heard a loud roar behind him. He turned around and saw a huge dragon flying towards him. The dragon had red scales, yellow eyes, and sharp teeth. It breathed fire from its nostrils, and it looked very angry.

Leo was terrified, and he tried to run away. But the dragon was faster, and it landed in front of him, blocking his path. It opened its mouth wide, ready to swallow him whole.

“Please don’t eat me!” Leo cried out. “I’m just a boy who wanted to see a dragon. I mean you no harm.”

The dragon paused for a moment and looked at Leo with curiosity. It had never seen a human up close before, and it wondered why this one was so brave.

“Why did you come here?” the dragon asked in a deep voice.

“I wanted to see the world from the top of the mountain,” Leo said. “I wanted to see if there were any dragons here.”

“Well, you found one,” the dragon said. “But you should not have come here. This is my territory, and I don’t like intruders.”

“I’m sorry,” Leo said. “I didn’t know you lived here. I’ll leave right away.”

The dragon snorted. “It’s too late for that. You have seen me, and now you must die.”

Leo felt a surge of fear, but also a spark of courage. He remembered what his grandfather had told him once: “Dragons are powerful creatures, but they are not invincible. They have weaknesses, just like anyone else. You just have to find them.”

Leo looked at the dragon carefully, trying to find its weakness. He noticed that the dragon had a large scar on its chest, where one of its scales was missing. He wondered if that was where it was hurt.

“Wait,” Leo said. “Before you kill me, can I ask you something?”

The dragon frowned. “What is it?”

“How did you get that scar?” Leo asked.

The dragon’s eyes widened in surprise. It did not expect Leo to ask such a question.

“That’s none of your business,” the dragon said.

“Please tell me,” Leo said. “Maybe I can help you heal it.”

The dragon laughed bitterly. “You can’t help me. No one can help me.”

“What do you mean?” Leo asked.

The dragon sighed. “It’s a long story.”

“I have time,” Leo said.

The dragon looked at Leo for a long time, then nodded.

“Very well,” the dragon said. “I’ll tell you my story.”

And so the dragon began to tell Leo how it got its scar.

It told him how it was born in a large nest with many brothers and sisters, and how they all learned to fly and hunt together.

It told him how it grew up to be strong and proud, and how it challenged other dragons for territory and mates.

It told him how it met its true love, a beautiful green dragoness who stole its heart.

It told him how they lived happily for many years until one day they were attacked by humans.

It told him how the humans came with swords and spears and arrows, and how they wounded many dragons.

It told him how it fought bravely to protect its mate, but how it was hit by an arrow in its chest.

It told him how it felt a sharp pain in its heart, and how it fell from the sky.

It told him how it watched helplessly as its mate was killed by the humans.

It told him how it survived, but how it lost its will to live.

It told him how it came to this mountain, and how it stayed here alone, away from other dragons and humans.

It told him how it hated humans for what they did, and how it vowed to kill any human who came near it.

It told him all this, and more.

Leo listened to the dragon’s story with sadness and sympathy. He felt sorry for the dragon, and he understood why it was so angry.

He also felt a connection with the dragon, and he realized that they were not so different after all.

They both loved to explore the world, and they both had dreams and hopes.

They both had lost someone they loved, and they both had scars on their hearts.

They both were lonely, and they both needed a friend.

Leo looked at the dragon with compassion, and he said:

“I’m sorry for what happened to you. I’m sorry for what my kind did to you. I wish I could change the past, but I can’t. All I can do is offer you my friendship. Will you accept it?”

The dragon was stunned by Leo’s words. It had never heard a human speak like that before.

It looked at Leo with wonder, and it felt something stir in its chest.

It felt a warmth that it had not felt in a long time.

It felt a hope that it had not felt in a long time.

It felt a love that it had not felt in a long time.

The dragon smiled, and it said:

“Yes, I will accept your friendship. Thank you for offering it.”

And so Leo and the dragon became friends.

They spent the night on the mountain, talking and laughing and sharing stories.

They watched the stars together, and they made a wish for a shooting star.

They wished for peace between dragons and humans, and for happiness for themselves.

The next morning, they flew down to the village together, where Leo introduced the dragon to his family and friends.

The villagers were afraid at first, but Leo explained that the dragon was his friend and that he meant no harm.

The dragon also apologized for its previous attacks and promised to never hurt anyone again.

The villagers were amazed by Leo’s courage and kindness, and they welcomed the dragon into their community.

They learned to respect and appreciate each other, and they lived in harmony ever since.

And Leo and the dragon remained friends for life.

They went on many adventures together, and they saw many wonders of the world.

They also helped other dragons and humans to overcome their fears and prejudices, and to make peace with each other.

They became legends in their own time, and their story was told for generations to come.

They were happy, and they were free.

And they never forgot their wish for the shooting star.

The End


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